Photo: Ross Humble
Mollymook Longboarders Charity Classic held on the 10th and 11th of August 2019. The annual event, it’s 17th Charity Classic hosted by Mollymook Longboarders drew 75 entries across eight divisions.
A lot of hard work and effort behind the scene from club president Mike Yule, Contest Director Geoff Barnett, Head Judge Graeme Sorenson and many members and volunteers to help the Charity Classic run as smoothly as it did all weekend.
$6000 was raised at last year at the 16th charity classic, which allowed the club to donate the funds to the Cancer Outpatients Appeal of Milton Ulladulla. This allowed them to purchase a chemotherapy chair. With the goal to raise as much money as they did last year, the goal is to help purchase new wheelchairs for the Milton Ulladulla Hospital. The Charity Classic is proudly sponsored by Southern Man Surf and Rip Curl Ulladulla.
History of Mollymook Longboarders
In 1993, Cassie and Brian Kelway approached Kent in the hope of starting a charity contest to raise money for the ladies from the Far West Childrens Centre in Manly as we had a lot of local families getting great support from the Far West Centre. Kent, Cassie and Brian had a great talk and organised the initial Chairity Classic in Winter 1993, with the help of the DV8s from Shellharbour. BK Surfboards, Southern Man Surf and the Mollymook Golf Club were the major sponsors and also huge support from many other local businesses.
Many volenteers who helped build the contests each year like Stan d’Argeavel from Bungadore and Steve Vickery. Stan ran the music and sound system all weekend, Stan was on the DV8 committee. Steve Vickery also from the DV8s was also heavily involved with running the contest . The Contest grew bigger and better every year and at one stage we had 163 competitor surfing which made for very early starts and on dark finishes.
During the 9 years that Cassie and Brian ran the contest over fifty thousand Dollars was raised for The Far West children Centre and many local charities.
After speaking to Stan, he has fond memeries of all the Chairty Classic Contests.
I can never forget this one contest, Glen Kelly surfing a final on a strong south south west swell and Glenn stuck in this tube at Golfie on a longboard.
Kent can also remembers
That day Orbit made the finals but went home to have a sleep and rest up before the finals and didn’t wake up and missed it. And as always Orbit a great sportsman, got over all the local jokers ribbing him.
The local Mollymook Longboard Club formed in those 9 years and Cassie and Brian ended up handing the contest over to the Club to Mike Greentree. A huge credit to Mike as the club wouldn’t be where it is today without all his hard work and effort he put into the club for many years.
The last couple of years, Denise Lofts, Principle of Ulladulla High School has organised some kids to have a competition to design the 2019 Charity Classic Logo. Logo designer and winner was Luci Knight came up with this year’s awesome logo which is printed on competitors’ shirts, and the Mark Rabbidge surfboard which was first prize in the raffle.
Saturday’s heats were held at Mollymook Reef, with small conditions, and a few changes to the initial draw, the heats ran smoothly. Perla Coffee Van parked out the front, the tents were all set up selling cakes made by members and the boys on the BBQ. With the judges all set, all competitors were in for a great day of surfing.
With Geoff Barnett (left) and Mark Rabbidge who donated the longboard for the raffle (right).
Drone Image: Ged Abela
The conditions for Sunday dramatically improved seeing the comp moved to Golfie. With solid four-six foot clean waves it will be a contest a lot of members will remember for the years to come. With the semi’s and the finals heating up, the surf and the surfing just got better and better. Some members surfing Golfie for the first time got to see out awesome this wave can be at its best.
The charity classic was an amazing event! Although we had little surf on the Saturday the waves came through on the Sunday. It was a great event with many memories. I really loved the energy of the day. Everyone was supporting each other and giving pointers on things they could improve on. Everyone surfed amazing, especially the groms who chaired the big waves on the Sunday. Thank you Ripcurl Ulladulla and Southern man for all the great prizes!!! A day we won’t forget. -Mel Staunton and Shaun Knight
The encouragement and support both in and out of the water from all entrants is what makes this charity classic a fun event for all ages.
“Cheers Mollymook Longboarders for a fantastic weekened! Great people, great waves and a very well organised competition! I’m still on cloud nine from a couple of those amazing waves. That was my first time at Golfie. Hopefully I can bring down a few more from Shelly Beach Malibu Club next year. Also I’m so impessed with all the longboarding ladies. What an awesome bunch of women. Our heat was unreal, so much encouragement! It was lovely to have so much support in and out of the water – thanks for having me, Ill see you next year” – Gillian Moran from Shelly Beach Malibu Club (Central Coast)
1. Jayce Pioli.
2. Pamela Burridge.
3. Rhys Williams.
4. Dean Dampney.
5. Ross Murphy.
6. Adam Maher.
1. Koby Jackson.
2. Toby Kinch.
3. Hamish Kinch.
4. Myra Williams.
5. Kai Pimm.
1 Glen Fitzgerald.
2 Christian Pimm.
3. Dan Rowlands.
4. Bruce Turnley.
5. Tom Leach.
6. Dean Dampney.
1. Kevin Holt.
2. Christian Pimm.
3. Dan Rowlands.
4. Jayce Pioli.
5. Vern Jackson.
6. Nathan East.
1. Christian Pimm.
2. Vern Jackson.
3. Eric Dinale.
4. Mark Cristallo.
5. Mike Griggs.
6. Samson Hollywood.
1. Steve Hartnett.
2. Alex Kiss.
3. Rob Smith.
4. Pam Burridge.
5. Rob Curiel.
6. George Haskas.
1. John Skinner.
2. Greg Furmage.
3. Jon Lavers.
4. Mike Yule.
5. Mike Greentree.
6. Rob Maher.
1. Mel Staunton.
2. Maddie Ross.
3. Roz Johnston.
4. Maura Corkery.
5. Leonie Johnston.
6. Jen Campbell.
“I would just like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors support of the 2019 Mollymook Longboarders Charity Classic.
This year we started our event with small clean waves at Mollymook Reef on the Saturday. The next day our competitors enjoyed epic conditions at Golf Course Reef.
The waves for our finals were clean 4 to 5 foot. With the sun shining as well, there were plenty of smiles throughout the day.
Our event raised approximately $4500 which will be used to purchase much needed wheel chairs for Milton Hospital.” Mike Yule President.
The Winners of the Raffle
Mark Rabbidge Surfboard – Geoff Barnett
Bannisters Voucher – Julie Sicco
Cuppits Voucher – Lisa Brayne
Woodburn Deli Voucher – Crystal
Dunn Lewis Voucher – Bruce Metham
Big thanks to Kent Saunders and the team from Southern Man who helped organise all the prizes from the list of awesome brands below,
Rip Curl, Ocean and Earth, Balin, Quiksilver, Roxy, Otis, Creatures of Leisure, Sun Bum, Banks, Slow Tides, Dragon, O’Neill, Volcom, Palmers, Vissla, Carve, Nixon, Element, Surf Mud, Billabong, RVCA, DC Shoes, Oakley, Rusty, Seacured, Skull Candy, and Kustom.
This years charity classic will be one to remember for great surf, enjoyed buy all competitors and spectators. Mike is looking forward to a bigger and better 2020 Charity Classic.