Green Planet Southern Man Surf Shop Ulladulla
The staff at Southern Man Surf Ulladulla realises our core surfing customers explore the worlds reefs, beaches, and coast but sadly we all play a part in the destruction of our playground. Similarity, when going for a surf some surfers leave rubbish, trample tracks through bushes, and crush corals and reefs.
“I lay in bed at night thinking about all those little things I do, and the impact they have, and the impact they will have when done seven billion times” Kent Saunders
Green Powered Surf Shop
Therefore, Southern Man Surf Shop Ulladulla is proud to lead the way by purchasing 100% Green Power. This is only one of our initiatives to keep our surfing planet healthy and clean.
Being involved with the surfers community:
- We feel the effect of pollution
- We see extensive development on our coast
- We see the effect of consumerism and
- We see the destruction caused by our society
“I hope that the surf is still the same in 50 years time, so that my grandkids can experience the same core surfing lifestyle as me.” Perry Mason
Environmentally Responsible Surfers
Southern Man Surf is committed to reducing its carbon footprint but we aren’t stepping lightly when doing it. We are determined to be environmentally responsible.
All of the below, are some of the Green Initiatives Southern Man has set:
- Purchasing of Green Power for commercial sites including all surf shops and offices
- Purchasing of Low Emission Vehicles (LEV) for all commercial vehicles
- Increase of purchasing Eco-Products when offered by surf suppliers
- Recycling of packaging of surf products
- Provides some eco-friendly/reusable carry bags
- Printing double-sided where available
- Reduction in printing
- Participating in environmental local events
“We are setting goals for our company so that our customers and future customers can share the same surfing experience that we love.” Martyn Saunders